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The 10th Regular Press Conference (June 10th, 2021)


* The Press Conference on the election results for the deputies of the 15th National Assembly and the members of People’s Councils at all levels for the 2021-2026 term

At 4 pm on 10 June 2021, the National Election Council will organize the press conference on the election results for the deputies of the 15th National Assembly and the members of People’s Councils at all levels for the 2021-2026 term.

Due to pandemic prevention requirements, we only invited representatives of a number of press agencies to attend and provide coverage of the event.


1. CNA: There’s information that Japan has a plan to gift Viet Nam 2 million COVID-19 vaccine doses. Is Viet Nam aware of this information, and when will this batch of vaccine arrive?

The Ministries of Health and Foreign Affairs, and overseas Vietnamese representative missions have been actively negotiating with and calling on governments, international organizations, manufacturers and suppliers around the world to purchase, import and receive vaccines. To date, Viet Nam has received around 2.6 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine from the COVAX Facility, and commitments to supply or gift vaccines from a number of countries, international organizations and manufacturers.

The information on the purchase, import and receipt of vaccines and transfer of vaccine manufacturing technology will be updated regularly to press agencies by Vietnamese competent authorities.

2. Zing: Can you provide updates on the situation of Vietnamese nationals in the Tonle Sap area after the most recent decision by the Phnom Penh administration? What measures has the Vietnamese Embassy in Cambodia taken to provide assistance to these people?

As reported by the press and the Vietnamese Embassy in Cambodia, On 02 June, the administration in Phnom Penh announced the relocation plan for floating houses and fish rafts on the Mekong River area within the capital, including those of people of Vietnamese origin.

Viet Nam is following this information with keen interest. On 07 June, during a bilateral meeting with Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Cambodia Prak Sokhonn, Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son asked that Cambodia continue to pay due attention to and address the legal status issue for people of Vietnamese origin in Cambodia.

He also requested that the Cambodian competent authorities, in the execution of socio-economic policies and measures, have a reasonable roadmap, ensuring the rights and social security of people of Vietnamese origin, and enable people affected to soon return to stability, change to a more appropriate occupation, and gain full access to essential services. Prior to this meeting, on 04 June, Ambassador Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary of Viet Nam to Cambodia Vu Quang Minh visited in-person and encouraged Vietnamese nationals in relocation areas. The State Commission on Overseas Vietnamese and the Vietnamese Embassy in Cambodia have requested Cambodia to provide favorable conditions and practical assistance to the relocation of citizens, ensuring humanism and the legitimate rights of these people.

Cambodia has taken note of Viet Nam’s inputs, and affirms that the Cambodian Government will continue to enable Vietnamese students and businesses to work and study in Cambodia, and provide favorable conditions for people of Vietnamese origin to enjoy a stable life in this country.

Viet Nam understands Cambodia’s socio-economic development policies and environmental protection measures. Viet Nam hopes that the relocation efforts would be conducted based on a reasonable and feasible roadmap, and new settlement areas will be arranged with all essential infrastructures, allowing people to be relocated to soon return to stability and have their social security ensured. The Vietnamese representative missions in Cambodia have recently supported the Khmer - Viet Nam Association in Cambodia in their efforts to help multiple households of people of Vietnamese origin to relocate in keeping with the guideline of the Cambodian Government. To date, their life has gradually return to normalcy.

At the directive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Vietnamese competent authorities will continue to closely monitor Cambodia’s relocation plan and the situation of the community of people of Vietnamese origin in this country, and work with the Khmer - Viet Nam Association in Cambodia to offer timely and practical assistance to our fellow countrymen.

3. Zing: What is Viet Nam’s response to President Joe Biden’s statement that the US will donate 500 Pfizer vaccine doses?

Viet Nam applauds the US’ announcement on its COVID-19 vaccine sharing strategy to distribute the first batch of 25 million doses around the world, including to Southeast Asian countries and Viet Nam.

Amid the complicated evolution of COVID-19, Viet Nam hopes that countries and international organizations will uphold unity and responsibility in sharing information, technology, finance and healthcare, particularly pertaining to vaccines, to together repel this dangerous pandemic.

4. Soha: According to international media, China is supporting Cambodia in modernizing the Ream naval base. What is Viet Nam’s take on this matter?

As a neighboring country to both China and Cambodia, Viet Nam attaches importance to the sound neighborliness and traditional friendship with both countries, and hope that the China - Cambodia ties will be an active contributor to peace, security, stability and prosperity in the region and the world.

5. Soha: From 04 to 07 June, the Benhai 09952 vessel and China’s CCG 4301 coast guard vessel were in close proximity in the area near China’s illegally-claimed Triton Island, which belongs to Viet Nam’s Paracel Islands. Can you validate this information and provide your comment on this development?

The Vietnamese competent authorities always closely monitor the activities in the Spratly and Paracel Islands and on the Vietnamese waters in the South China Sea.

As constantly reiterated, Viet Nam has sufficient legal ground and historical evidence to assert its sovereignty over the Paracel and Spratly Islands in line with international law. As a party to the 1982 UNCLOS, Viet Nam enjoys sovereignty, sovereign rights and jurisdiction over the relevant waters in the South China Sea as provided by the 1982 UNCLOS.

6. Phoenix: The Vietnamese Government has recently licensed a Chinese COVID-19 vaccine for emergency use. What is the roadmap and specific numbers of doses pertaining to Viet Nam’s purchase of China’s vaccine?

As reported by the press, on 03 June 2021, the Ministry of Health issued Decision no. 2763/QD-BYT on the selective approval of vaccines for urgent use in combating COVID-19, including Vero Cell-Inactivated (otherwise known as SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine [Vero Cell]-Inactivated) manufactured by Beijing Institute of Biological Products Co, Ltd. (China).

The Ministries of Health and Foreign Affairs, and other Vietnamese competent authorities have been actively negotiating with and calling on governments, international organizations, manufacturers and suppliers around the world to purchase, import and receive vaccines. In the time to come, Viet Nam will continue to seek other sources of vaccine to diversify its supplies, while expediting research and technology transfer for domestic vaccine production, thereby striving towards maximizing immunization coverage – as stated by the Government – for 75% of the population. This would serve to create herd immunity, and allow the people’s life to soon return to normalcy.

7. The World and Viet Nam Report: Many foreign businesses stated that they were called upon to donate to the COVID-19 Vaccine Fund. Can you comment on this matter?

Amid the complicated evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic, the State of Viet Nam has implemented multiple vigorous measures for pandemic prevention. Viet Nam has identified the goal of prompt and free vaccination for the entire population to achieve herd immunity. This is considered a fundamental and long-term solution of decisive strategic importance in overcoming the pandemic. To this end, recently, the Standing Committee of the National Assembly has decided to use 12.1 trillion VND from the remainder of the State budget in 2020 to purchase COVID-19 vaccine.

In addition, the Party and the State of Viet Nam considered the unity, sharing, responsibility and sympathy among the people, and the ability to mobilize social resources, as an important factor in repelling the pandemic. In this spirit, on 26 May 2021, the Prime Minister issued Resolution no. 53/NQ-CP and Decision no. 779/QD-TTg on the establishment of the COVID-19 Vaccine Fund to receive, manage and use sponsors, aids and donations in money and vaccine from organizations and individuals at home and abroad, and other legal capital sources for the purchase and import of vaccine, the domestic research and production of vaccine, and the use of vaccine for the people.

To date, the COVID-19 Vaccine Fund has received the strong support and active, voluntary contributions from Vietnamese enterprises, the entire population, and a number of foreign businesses currently investing and doing business in Viet Nam. The Party and the State and the Government of Viet Nam recognize and appreciate all contributions from the people and corporations, regardless of the amount, and will ensure that the management and monitoring of this Fund are conducted in a transparent manner, true to its mandate, purpose and adhering to the law, thus serving the health and happiness of the people and stabilize the production of enterprises, including FDI foreign businesses.

8. Sputnik: The Ministry of Health recently proposed to penalize people who have smartphones but do not install the Bluezone software and do not turn on Bluetooth. Please verify whether the law enforcement authority has the right to check people's smartphones in a similar manner to checking identity documents?

According to the information from the Ministry of Health, this is a sanctioning regulation in the form of post-inspection. The local authorities will penalize cases that are related to COVID-19 positive patients during the process of contact tracing, who did not install the application and make a medical declaration, for such cases would lead to the possibility of people at risk of infection going unnoticed.

9. DPA: To my knowledge, domestic reporters have received their COVID-19 vaccination. In the case of assistants to foreign press members like myself, we also have to travel to numerous places to operate. Accordingly, are we also prioritized for vaccination, and if so, when would we be vaccinated?

Having taken note of the requests and demands of foreign press offices in Viet Nam, and in order to ensure the safety for these offices during their operation in this country, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is working with the Ministry of Health to arrange for the vaccination of foreign press members at the earliest convenience.

Due to the limited number of vaccines in Viet Nam and high domestic demand, we will arrange for vaccination based on prioritized groups. For foreigners currently in Viet Nam, in the past two days, we have also provided vaccination for the officials and staff of overseas representative missions and international organizations under the UN and their relatives.

10. VnExpress: The Philippines’ military chief Cirilito Sobejana, earlier this week, visited Thitu Island, which belongs to Viet Nam’s Spratly Islands. He affirmed that Thitu Island is a part of the renovation plan to transform this island into a logistics hub in the Spratly Islands. What is Viet Nam’s position on this matter?

As constantly reiterated, Viet Nam has sufficient legal ground and historical evidence to assert its sovereignty over the Spratly Islands in line with the provisions of international law. Viet Nam strongly opposes all actions that violate the sovereignty and relevant rights of Viet Nam over these islands.

Viet Nam asks that all relevant parties respect its sovereignty, respect international law, adhere to the DOC, avoid actions that may complicate the situation, make active and practical contributions to maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea, and foster the environment conducive to the COC negotiations.

11. Dân Việt: Can you comment on the recent information about a wave of foreigners leaving Viet Nam due to difficulties in applying for visas and searching for a job?

Recently, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there were indeed certain changes to Viet Nam’s immigration policies. However, I reaffirm that the consistent position of the Vietnamese Government, and as reflected in reality, is that Viet Nam always strives to offer the most favorable conditions to foreign workers in Viet Nam, and ensure the security and safety for foreigners residing, working and studying in this country.

12. Dân Việt: Foreign media reported that China had just finished installing the largest oil rig in the world, and was preparing to put this into operation to the South of Hainan Island, around the Lingshui area. Can you comment on this matter?

We have not received detailed information on this matter.

However, it is necessary to reiterate that Viet Nam’s clear and consistent position is that all relevant parties need to fully respect the lawful rights and interests of Viet Nam over its waters, particularly its EEZ and continental shelf as provided by the 1982 UNCLOS and other relevant bilateral international treaties./.

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